Is there life without wi-fi?

You never miss the water till the well runs dry

That's how the old saying goes

Our wifi is crumbling around us

How will we manage? one knows

The fuse is blown in our router box

The electric sockets have died

What will this disaster mean to us?

We've no wi-fi my wife replied.

I'm not bothered about the internet

I can watch some TV instead

The TV works from the roof aerial

Yes, and also the wi-fi she said

I can watch TV on my tablet, I think

A big screen is not required

But how will it get to my tablet?

Without any wi-fi she enquired

So, Alexa, just play me some music

I'll listed to that instead

Alexa....are you listening to me?

No 'cos the wi-fi is stone dead

The man can't come out till tomorrow

So what shall we do till then?

Just sit and talk like the old days

Or go to bed early instead

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