The Decline Of The Male

I read an article in the newspaper recently about scientists being able, within a few years, to produce a baby by cloaning.
This involves mixing cells from a women’s body with her own egg, and therefore producing a baby which would be genetically identical to the mother, without the need for a man’s sperm.
It made me think about what sort of a world we are creating…a world eventually where the male is no longer needed?

It’s thought by the year two thousand and ten
The world will no longer have need for us men

No longer will women have need for our sperm
To provide for that child for which some yearn

No need to remember that first tender kiss
All those magic moments now to be missed

That discreet glance and the little black dress
No more simple things, those pleasures of the flesh

The end of the courtship, the romance, the chase
Just a trip to the cloan shop, and a two minute wait

No more discreet meetings with your illicit lover
Just a ride to the clinic, and out pops another

The end of the moonlight, the roses and romance
No need anymore to go to that dance

And what if they miss the company of men
They can go buy an artificial one instead

A world where all children will look like their mother
No one is different….we all look like each other

So what of this world devoid of us men
Will it be better or worse….or just dull

A empty life this, without any men
Let’s hope we see sense before two thousand and ten

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